Ginger’s Soapbox: The Affordable Health Care Act


Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, and the world didn’t end.  The U.S. Supreme Court basically upheld most of the important parts of the new law.  The world didn’t end.

There have been millions of words written about all of the dire consequences of a law that gives most Americans health care coverage.  But I want to concentrate on the good things.  Let’s go over a few:

Preventive care benefits are covered at 100%.  Regardless of your policy – and there have been many complaints about the policies available through the ACA – your well-woman, well-man and well-child services are completely covered.  No copay.  No deductible.

You can keep your kids on your policy through age 26, regardless of whether they are in school, living on their own, or married.

Medicare benefits are enhanced.

I read one article where a man complained that his ACA premium was over $400 per month while his girlfriend’s premium was completely covered by a government subsidy.  He made over $60,000 a year, while she earned $18,000.

My first thought was, “Why does this guy begrudge the woman he loves affordable health care?”  If he resents subsidizing his girlfriend’s health insurance, he certainly doesn’t want to help total strangers.

And that’s what’s wrong with this country.  It’s completely contrary to the principles under which this nation was founded.

What happened to the common good?

I subsidize my boyfriend’s health insurance.  He’s a retired military officer.  He doesn’t pay a premium for his health coverage.  I also subsidize my mail carrier, the federal prosecutor, the local FBI agent and all of the active duty military members, just to name a few.

Then there are the school teachers, state highways workers, and other government employees.  My tax dollars pay for health care for all of these people.  I used to pay for my member of Congress, but the ACA makes them buy health insurance through the exchange, and none of them qualify for subsidies.

Let’s give a crap about our fellow man, be thankful for what we have, and do something for the common good.  Acceptance.  Love. Tolerance.

One thought on “Ginger’s Soapbox: The Affordable Health Care Act

  1. Good post. The ACA is working pretty well from a number of measures and reputable sources. It is imperfect and complex, but part of this is due to the complexity of insurance. It could use a few improvements, but should not be repealed. Those include expanding Medicaid in the remaining twenty states, increasing the hours threshold to 32 or more, simplifying the small employer coverage and looking at the veracity of certain fees.

    Please note these are the opinions of a retired actuary, benefits consultant and benefits manager and a true independent voter.


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